Darn if she didn't get a toll ticket for 50 cents and it will cost her a postage stamp to mail it in.
Next time she will remember her change for the troll. ha ha Poor kid was all upset, then she gets to her friend Heathers and the brakes go out on her car, another $250.00 Should've stayed home and celebrated, but if the brakes were gonna go thankfully her guardian angels kept her save. God does watch over us in everything we do. Heather baked her a cake too and John fixed her brakes.
New boyfriend, Mike made her dinner last night and had roses for her. He also surprised her with a heart tennis bracelet with diamonds set in sterling silver. Very Preeeety!!
Kasey had her last night at VBS. The puppet show was great, the songs good and they got prizes. That was really sweet. Kasey picked out a magnifying glass and a Pterodactyl us bone. It contains some kind of gooey gel. The theme was dinosaurs and that in the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth. We are created and that we are to Praise Him for his mighty acts. I think we need to move to Arkansas so Harrison can teach and train her in archeology. She sure shows a lot of interest in rocks and to pick a magnifying glass over a stuffed animal, well it has to be showing a genuine fondness of discovery! You go Girl!!
Talked to my friend Hal for a bit on the computer. He will be heading for Portland, Oregon. It is so beautiful there. He's hoping to go a bit further south and visit his son in California. He was concerned about Jaime's headaches as I am, but now we wait on them finding a doctor that will accept her insurance. I pray it isn't delayed for long.
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