get warm. It's been a week (?) since we got home from vacation in Texas and Arkansas and I just can't get warm. Must be 95% southern and only 5% Yankee. I can get heated here in a minute if Kasey keeps arguing with me. She is 6 and thinks she can pull things over on me. For me it's quiet time, I need my nap. I'm a true Granny at 53.
Tara sent me pictures yesterday

there. It was such a whirlwind trip I don't feel like we spent much time with anyone. Jill called today, neither of us feel like we got much time in our visit either, but it's not the quanity, it's the quality and that was mighty good company we kept all the way around. Just never enough time and money. At least we got to visit, back in the old days once you moved away from the family all you got was a letter. No one got to go back and forth to visit.
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