One of the volunteer's sent me this photo of me at work. The man in the picture is the man that is ill, and has to have 17 pints of blood each week. He's the one that sponsored this blood drive Thursday, and he's the one that bought us pizza after we were done since no one got a lunch. He's such a nice man. The lady that I'm taking blood from is a nurse at the hospital, and know's him. I don't remember his name my brain didn't retain that info for some reason, but he and his wife stayed and helped us with the blood drive. The man that took the picture sent it to me, and asked permission if he could post the picture on-line, and in the Cuyahoga Falls General's newsletter. Who knew I'm famous. HEE-HEE!!! it's 1:30 in the am. I'm a tad bit goofy right now. It's not a bad picture of me, even though it was almost the end of the day and I was tired had no makeup on, and wanted to scream, cause I was hungry, and needed a cigarette like a drowning victim needing a huge gulp of air. But any ways, this is me in action, working, and saving lives, one painful (for the donor, not me) stab at a time. Thought you might get a kick out of seeing what I look like while I'm working. I love you!!!
Your middle one!!!
Your middle one!!!
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