8 months, and I haven't been here. So much has happened. Christmas came and went. January came and we lost our beloved Aunt Ruby, birthdays slipped by without a word what happened and my memory is recalling much. Carolyn and I found a house in Firestone Park that I really liked. The winter storms were so bad we didn't get to see it until March. We were able to purchase it for cash on a foreclosure. that took a lot of stress off me and I was able to sign my trailer over to Dianna. She will pay me for it when she is able to. In this economy who knows when that will be. We finally moved in May 15. I didn't get to move in the way I wanted to but hopefully I will have time to do it my way later. Denise moved in right behind me so I have everyone here except Chrissy, Mitch and Shayna.
I haven't been able to find a job. The one I was really interested in, well,,,God has other plans for me. Right now it is to help Carolyn through surgery for her left hip replacement. Mom has been doing well and I have been bringing her home every Sunday.
Here's Rose Ryan Jackson
Born: July 28, 2009
Neall and Becca, Aunt Ruth's grandson, had a baby girl on July 28. Rose Ryan Jackson, 6# 13 oz.
Nice size little gal and beautiful. I love those lips. Like rose petals. I just wonder how brother Solomon is taking to her. Aunt Tara was so sweet to post pictures on Facebook.
More later.
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