Come on in, it's comfortable in the nest

I'd love to add a picture here of the nest with our robins in it on the tree branches. Dale painted it on an Ohio shaped piece of slate we found on our honeymoon in New York. He cleaned and baked it, drilled a couple holes in the corners and knotted rope through it so we would be able to hang it up in our home. He was a talented artist, poet, loved God and his Savior, a great cook, and loved to suprise me taking me to differnt historic spots and learning about them. We did a wonderful tour of Amish Country, Niagra Falls, the Mormon historic town here in Kirtland, OH, Wine Country. He taught me about pottery he collected. We had fun refinishing our bathroom into a "Fisherman's Closet" is all I can say to describe it. We had started gardening. I try to keep it up in memory of him, but HE had the green thumb. Not me so much. Since my sister lost her husband in April I have been regrieving with her as well as dealing with my Mom who has Alzheimer's. It's an awful disease. We slowly lose a part of her each day. Some days it's not so noticeable and we are fortunate that she has a sense of humor that we have to actually do a doubletake and wonder if she really has the disease. My dear sweetie, Steve, says we should take her on the road. We'd do better than the Blue Collar Comedy Club team! She is an Elvis Presley fan. She remembers him. We shopped a day at the local Goodwill and she found a doll replica of Elvis with his guitar and swivel hips and it's her favorite toy. On our way to my daughter Chrissy's yesterday she told me she wanted to find someone and get married again. Was that ever out of the blue!! My luck she would and then "forget" she got married and take a devilish delight in living in sin! Ha ha ha! Definately have to write that certificate in BOLD Sharpie and hang it on the wall. I have her and my dads wedding certificate , it's a Catholic scroll with beautiful artistry 16x20 size, framed over the bookcase. Can't miss it. She says I haven't seen my marriage certificate in a long time! That's the way of her.
Well I can tell my emotions are all over the place today. I am still exhausted from our vacation home, that Mother doesn't remember. We went to Fulton, KY, Union City, TN, Henderson, TX,Wynne, AR, Memphis, TN to visit family and friends we haven't seen in awhile. Good thing we took pictures.
Seems we got home in time. Carolyn's cat was due to have kittens. She had them yesterday. Three in all we believe. She hid herself in what will become the computer room at my sisters. There are so cute even though I haven't seen them yet. I know I will want to bring one home, but we have allergies and I want to continue to travel for as long as I can. I love being out on the open road.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Kasey's thank you drawing

Remember this? This was our Tree except it had pink balls

Happy Birthday to Kasey!! October 6, 2008

Nothing like taking 2 months to get things posted! Kasey had her 7th birthday and was the cake evry yummy! These were taking at Mike's Grammy's and she baked the cake. Salute! We love you oodles Kasey. Today is Monday the 8th of December and I had to go pick KC up from school. She twisted her ankle pretty bad in gym class. So we are all now tucked up in bed with an ice pack and an Angelina movie on. Hope it's not the one about the ballet! Mommy has texted several times and will be home to take KC to the ER for x-rays if we can't figure out what's wrong. I'm betting by an afternoon spent in bed she will be eager to get up and not want any doctors! Other kids at school have her wanting the attention of returning to school with crutches. Can you imagine!! haha, Poor KC is the drama queen. Hopefully a little rest and all will be well.


Well It doesn't seem like I can keep up with blogging or anything else in my life! Why do the days pass so fast?
(This cat will be me if I don't get a move on!)

We brought Mom home for Thanksgiving, but she is totally detached living in just the moment. I hate having her at Longmeadows. I have been so depressed and crying and she is too! I have come to terms that I am not able to care for her, but I feel like I'm a weakling and that I should have more faith and trust in God. Mom said being at Longmeadows feel slike she is just there waiting to die. I never wanted her to feel that way! I know I would feel that way, sometimes I feel that way now.

Wow, the nursing home just called and was confirming appointments that I have on the 11th and 18th. Mary Kay said she just saw Mother and that she had a smile on her face and was talking to people she passed by on her way to physcial thearpy. That made me feel better. I wish folks there would slow down and act like they want to talk to you. Maybe it is just my nerves and crying at the drop of a hat.

I have been sick since Mom went to the hospital. It's been one thing or another.

Plus the weather is bitter cold, 8 degrees and snow! After falling on the ice and knocking myself out last February I am scared to death of the ice. I had hoped that we could have all moved to Arkansas this past summer's end, but it didn't work out. It must not be in God's timing yet.

Right now I feel so lost and disconnected.

Spencer called me Saturday filled with the Holy Spirit and urging me to be back in church. As much as I love him and thankful for his prayers and support for some reason it made me want to do just the opposite of what he was urging. That had to be Satan. I know I need to be there, but I'm not even sure which church to attend. I have the Catholic church which has not been very supportive in the past, but which my sister attends, and then I like the Baptist church and I have the Mormon church. I guess I don't have to join any as long as I attend with fellow believers. Spencer is right in that God says we are not to forsake gathering with other believers. I atched Dr. Charles Stanley on Saturday night,. Carolyn went to church Sunday at St. Matthews and brought me back the bulliten. It's the second week of Advent and teaching about "practicing peace" and how to wait. This must be my time of waiting.

The article mentioned , "If you hope to act in ways that promote peace, you need to spend time cultivating the inner peace, out of which you will act. an ancient practice is to pray the psalms. According to St. Basil the Great, the wors of the psalms calm our inner turmoil, transform our sinful tendencies, bring us inner peace, and promote reconciliation."

So here I am today.

Steve and I have been watching the stock market. It paid off well for him today. He has invested in SLV. God has truly blessed him and his son. He has been my guardian angel since Dale died. Actually before I ever met Dale he was my guardian angel, but we had lost touch.

I need to get busy and make some cookies for the nursing home. I know Mother would enjoy them. I also have to get prepared for my interview on Thursday for medicaid for Mother and possibly for myself.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Autumn in Ohio, 2008

Beautiful fall foliage and colors.

September Party for Mitchell and Shayna, 2008

Happy Birthday Mitchell!
Happy Birthday Shayna!
It was a birthday party like none other. It was a beautiful fall day but the winds were strong as we caught the remnant's of Hurricane Ike that struck Galveston and Huston. Much wind damage was done here in the state of Ohio and many were without electric for days. We were all very fortunate to come and go to the party with just a few tree twigs fell off and bonked us now and then and also the canvas shelter Chrissy had erected over the picnic table tried to pull up stakes and blow away. Donny was there grilling and we ladies all set up our side dishes. Jane, Dennis's wife did face painting on the children that wanted them. Brad brought his girlfriend to meet us and Jaime brought Mike. Omi had to work, bless her heart. I sure would have liked to have seen her. Cherie was up from Mexico to see her new granddaughter, Noblelee who is pictured with Kasey. She is so tiny. A lot of fun was had. I didn't bring my camera so all the snapshots here were taken by Vicki on her cell phone. They are not bad.
Mitchell is about 5'9". He's gonna be tall like his dad and Grandpa Clyde. Shayna is a sweetie with her freckles and reminds me of a graceful willow. You can see she is an Irsih lass for sure!

September, 2008


Chrissy and Cherie

September, 2008

More Birthday pictures

September 15 and 17 Mitchell and Shayna

Kelly Blossom

These are more recent updates of Kelley. How can you not love that face?!



Next on the List

I need to back the year up and put pictures in

Love This picture of Solly. you just want to squeeze him tight. 11 months

Solomon : August,2008

Friday, October 31, 2008

It's time to think and renew.

Oct.31, My heart feels broken. What a day to remember. It should read Friday the 13th. I have had some serious wrongs done unto me and it's time for me to turn over a new chapter in my life. Sometimes the things you fear most become a living reality. Why you come to these places of brokenness only God knows and understands. Each time I come to a place where I feel this way I pray the Holy Spirit will enlighten me to my purpose and understanding of Heavenly Father's will for me. I feel I am out of tune and therefore need to be brought to the place where i can only look up. Jonah and the whale story comes to mind. I would like to be able to find some certainity. Right now I feel it is one on one with God. Time for the rest of the world to stay out. My door has never been closed to my family. I have tried to do my best for them, but it must not be wanted for the phone doesn't ring and there is no one at the door. So be it! I accept it and move on.
Right now my life is to take care of Mom. After this task is complete I will need to find a job in the world again. One day, one thing at a time.

Friday, September 5, 2008

September 5, 2008
It's the first day of fall like weather. We have rain and wind from Hurricane Gustav. Yesterday it was 90 . Not today! I am not sure what the temperature is this moment but putting mail in the mail box a light rain had already begun to "fall" and the wind has leaves strewn about on lawns and dancing down the street. I checked. It's 71 degrees. It may stall over us as Hurricane Hannah is headed for the east coast of North and South Carolina. Mom is up so the day has started. Thankfully I got to read and fill out the forms Social Security wanted for Mom. when she is up I am nervous and can't read or think straight. Wonder why that is? Until Later.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Let's see what's been happening!

Darryal got the job at at Somo as a lab tech making more than he was at Malco as a compounder.
He starts Monday, September 8th.
Denise will graduate the following Monday on the 15th, Mitchell's 14th birthday. She has an internship at Rockynol for 4 days, takes final exams and the Job Fair is on Monday as well and Denise should have job placement at that time. She will sign up for state tested CNA and it will be in one of the 3 C's, Cleveland, Canton or Columbus.

From there 4 years of nursing school.

Birthday party for Mitchell and Shayna is Sunday, September 14th. Shayna will be 9. It sure will be good to see Chrissy and the kids again. I don't believe we have seen them since Mother's Day.

Carolyn got answers about changing jobs and will be staying with JCPenneys. After you work somewhere for so long, co-workers become family. After losing Lee she probably doesn't need that much change yet. David is at GoJo's and Dianna is going for pathologist I believe it was. Vicki is still at TJ Maxx.

Kasey got hurt on the playground today. Seems some kids were swinging her around and she hit her head on the ground. Patty Phillips called looking for Jaime but she had left for work and she really hated leaving that kind of message on her cell phone. Turns out she is doing vision screening of the children and said KC had trouble reading the top line. I spoke of our concerns she may be dyslexic. She will look for it but says until the 2nd grade it is common to copy backwards, but said it was good for her to know.

Mema has decided she wants to go to the nursing home. Lot of work for me. My mind is boggled that's why I'm writing a lot of this stuff down. I am not feeling well from the weird things happening to me. I assume it's the auto-immune disorders and I am exhausted a lot. To start tracking medicaid and nursing homes will take me a while especially to go visit without Mother. The social worker says I should go without her going with me. Schedule one visit and pop in on another day.

My knee is stiff but feeling better and I seem to be walking better. The doctor gave me a kenelog shot for my arm. Seems it worked for a bit but the rash is back and itching. Thought I was through with menopause. Don't know if it is the shot or not since it is a steroid but it's very uncomfortable and Tylenol isn't helping much. After the pitted edema I won't touch the Ibuprofen and the doc said slow down on the aspirin. Without any type of health insurance I'm not going to get much help from the medical community.

Everyone's in school now.

Mitchell 8th grade
Shayna and
Alexis all 3rd grade
Livey and Zandy 2nd grade
Kasey 1st grade
Aliyah and Gracie Kindergarten

Take me out to the ball game! GO INDIANS!!!

Air Show Finale