Happy Birthday Mitchell!
Happy Birthday Shayna!
It was a birthday party like none other. It was a beautiful fall day but the winds were strong as we caught the remnant's of Hurricane Ike that struck Galveston and Huston. Much wind damage was done here in the state of Ohio and many were without electric for days. We were all very fortunate to come and go to the party with just a few tree twigs fell off and bonked us now and then and also the canvas shelter Chrissy had erected over the picnic table tried to pull up stakes and blow away. Donny was there grilling and we ladies all set up our side dishes. Jane, Dennis's wife did face painting on the children that wanted them. Brad brought his girlfriend to meet us and Jaime brought Mike. Omi had to work, bless her heart. I sure would have liked to have seen her. Cherie was up from Mexico to see her new granddaughter, Noblelee who is pictured with Kasey. She is so tiny. A lot of fun was had. I didn't bring my camera so all the snapshots here were taken by Vicki on her cell phone. They are not bad.
Mitchell is about 5'9". He's gonna be tall like his dad and Grandpa Clyde. Shayna is a sweetie with her freckles and reminds me of a graceful willow. You can see she is an Irsih lass for sure!