It's the first day of school. Kasey got last minute new shoes from K-Mart but I won't get to see them until she comes home. Jaime had gotten her "High School Musical" shoes fro Wal-Mart but they weren't fitting. I didn't like them anyway. shoes should not be a walking advertisement. So a fast run to K-Mart on the way to school (No bus today, Mommy wanted to take her) and presto, shoes that fit.
Jaime works in Warren today 11~ ?
Zandy is with Mema and I.
Talked to Steve. He hates the overhead running of the children that live above them.
Mema is up eating breakfast and reading the paper.
Zandy is watching toons.
I have the stock market up and running, not that it looks like I have much to do with it today.
Kasey should be home by about 3:30 or little after and I have week~end clean up. Zandy might help.
We'll see how long my energy lasts. I feel pretty good and upbeat, for the moment. God is good!
Jaime got me Tropical Fruit Antacid Tablets for my calcium, from Walgreens. They are pretty tasty and I found out that children's chewable vitamins are an adults strength. Yummy, I like them like I like orange children's aspirin.
Talked to Jill for a good long time yesterday. It was wonderful. Someday we may live close together again.
Jaime just left for work and now my day begins.
Why Hellooooo Zandy!